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Hot flashes and night sweats are just a couple symptoms of menopause. Find relief with alternative treatments for menopause or other natural menopuase remediesIrregular periods, hot flashes, night swe
I firmly believe this dish is responsible for at least half the backyard squash gardens in the United States. It\'s cream
From acne to wrinkles, every age has its unique set of skin challenges. Thankfully, we can get glowing skin at any age.Countless teenagers dream of acne-free complexions, while 40-year-olds might crin
Salt and pepper are the most fundamental of seasonings, so fundamental that we seldom give them any thought. Yet tre
My birth plan got a drastic makeover in the last few weeks of my pregnancy when I learned that my baby boy h

Dealing with Baby’s First Visitors

Home ... but Not Alone! The phone starts to ring, the doorbell goes off like an alarm, and well-meaning fri

The Beauty of Giving Birth Over the Holidays

Missing out on the Christmas roast isn't the only reason people stress about the possibility of g

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Hospital Births

Wondering how your labor and delivery will go? If, like most women, you're planning on a hospital

McDonald’s CEO Defends Ronald McDonald, Food Quality

\"We have tremendously high quality proteins,\" he says. \"It is all real food,\" he continues. \"We have always

How to Handle Separation Anxiety in Babies

Leaving your baby is never easy, and it’s especially brutal if he screams and clings whenever you head ou

USDA Announces New, Healthier School Lunch Rules

Whole milk and white bread are among the casualties of a set of school lunch changes the USDA announced this

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